So a nice lady named Heidi at sent me a brand spanking new box of Remington UMC .40S&W target ammunition for me to put through the FN FNP-40 pistol (will do a review on that bad boy after some more exposure time!). It took me a while to get to the range to test out this ammunition due to my various jobs (on-call EMT and party bus driver), my last finals (YES! I am edumacated now!) and various family obligations so I appreciate Heidi's patience and trust in this matter.
After testing out my Remington Model 12 on paper and putting a few rounds through the Tokarev TT-33, I chilled out enough to shoot the FNP-40. I first started with testing out my reloads at 7yd and 15yd intervals. Reloads tested were 155gr SWC lead cast bullets over 3gr of Titegroup.
These loads were not tested beforehand and were just loaded up as
generic plinker loads. Here are the results of the first round. I did general testing on the first target (read: did some miscounting) with the following regimen:
Center: 2 test shots at 7 yards to determine POA/POI
Upper left: 1st shot DA, 3 shots SA, 7yds
Upper right: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 7yds
Lower left: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 15yds
Lower right: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 15yds
Group sizes for target #1
Upper left: 2.1" (1.1" without the outlier)
Upper right: 2.1" (1.1" without the two outliers)
Lower left: 5.1" ( 2.1" without the gigantic outlier to the top right of the circle)
Lower right: 3.85" (no real compensation that can be granted with this one)

Target #1. Personal reloads.
The second round of shooting consisted of the Remington UMC ammunition. Course of fire was as follows:
Upper left: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 7yds
Upper right: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 7yds
Lower left: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 15yds
Lower right: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 15yds
Group sizes for this target #2 are as follows:
Upper left: 1.85" (no compensation)
Upper right: 2.6" (1.35" without the two outliers)
Lower left: To preserve my dignity, I am not going to even bother with this one.
Lower right: Dignity preservation enacted here as well. 3 bullet holes are missing.

Target #2. Remington UMC Target
After my earth-shattering performance in round two, I gave it another go in round three.
Course of fire was as follows:
Upper left: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 7yds
Upper right: 1st shot DA, 5 shots SA, 7yds
Lower left: 1st shot DA, 4 shots SA, 15yds
Lower right: 1st shot DA, 3 shots SA, 15yds
Group sizes for target #3 are as follows:
Upper left: 3.225" (2.475" without the outlier)
Upper right: 2.1" (no compensation for this group)
Lower left: 1.85" ( 1.35" without the gigantic outlier to the top right of the circle)
Lower right: 1.35" (no real compensation that can be granted with this one)

Target #3. Remington UMC Target, second round.
Recoil for the Remington UMC Target ammo was moderately stout and feed and extraction in my pistol was flawless. The bullets punched cleanly through the paper, as any good target ammunition should do.
Looking at the targets and group sizes, it goes without saying that I am in need of some more practice, though at the end I was able to focus a little better and squeeze out some pretty nice groups. An exacerbating factor that may have affected my shooting ability is that I was running a very fast heart rate and high blood pressure due to an idiopathic reaction to medication I have been taking for years. The day after I shot these groups I actually had to go to the ER to get assessed and scanned. I am fine now and will be getting on some different medications here pretty soon (in case you were wondering). As some of you may know, he isnt stoked with
In addition, I have noticed that the FNP-40 seems to shoot low.
Like, really low. I don't quite know why that is but it is something I
would like to correct.I had to compensate for the drop by aiming at the 12:00 position about 3-4" high. Some of the outliers you see are from when I failed to do so.
Overall, this is a consistently loaded ammunition with good target characteristics and firm yet gentle handling characteristics. Results may vary amongst guns but I think at least the average shooter (since I am an average, if not regrettably a subpar average shooter) will find good results with this ammo.
Until next time, CARRY ON!