You are cordially invited to represent, and your beloved Constitution at yet another San Diego Open Carry Outing!
Let us see some support out there! Here are the details.
-When: Saturday, Feb 28, 2009 at 9:30AM
-Where: The main lifeguard tower at the end of Grand Avenue, on the boardwalk between the showers and the big pelican. You can't miss the pelican! This location is in San Diego in Mission Beach!
-PLEASE RSVP! Email me, PM me on Calguns, leave a comment on this blog, just let me know if you're planning to come and what forum you are a member of!
1) The really cool and pro-RKBA detective from the first San Diego Open Carry Lunch at El Indio will be attending our outing in plain clothes. From what I know he is a good man and he knows the restaurants in the area so we will have fun and good food as well.
2) The film crew that will be filming us is not a news station or anything official, it is actually a married couple that are friends with Chris (gir007) and will probably be making a documentary video for us. From what I hear they are really cool people and are doing this for free so for those that can chip in for their lunch it would be much appreciated.
UPDATE 2-16-09: Chris has informed me that the film crew will not be available as he will have to go out of town that weekend. I am looking to pick up another film crew, probably a group of students in need of a film project. I will keep you guys posted!
3) Dressing the part (UPDATED 1-26)... This is, above all else, a chance to create good public relations with those less knowledgeable about firearms and firearm laws and to dispell the common myths that hold gun owners in a bad light. As such, it has been imparted to me by those wiser in such matters (Liberty1) that dressing the part is essential. Therefore, it is requested that those attending this outing be nicely attired. (CHANGE HERE)--> Since slacks to a beach function is almost silly, I say that we dress in what is comfortable but also looks nice, as open carrying is already hard enough as it is and we shouldn't have to dress up the occasion as well.
A suggestion though is to not have t-shirts that could be used against us in a stereotype, e.g. smiley face with bloody hole in the head, etc. While fun amongst gun owners, it is not the best PR with those not in the gun community so lets keep it clean cut.
4) We are going to a restaurant somewhere on the boardwalk, though the restaurant has not been revealed to me as of yet. Our good detective is taking a look at a few of them and Sam has had some suggestions but I must admit I am not familiar with the area myself so I will keep you all posted as this develops.
5) While it is legal to open carry an unloaded shotgun or rifle on your person in the state of California, the carrying of long guns is ill-advised, at least for the moment. The issue of muzzle discipline and weapon control is too complicated even for the seasoned open carrier so we are requesting that all guns brought to this outing be handguns.
-School zones, other rules, etc.
1) There are no school zones in the area we are gathering and walking but there are two in the area that will be of concern for those parking, packing and walking from farther distances, so plan your routes appropriately. A map of school zones is listed near the bottom!
3) As usual, make sure nothing can cover your holster, print out a few information pamphlets and carry your voice recorder!
-For all those that are new at this...
For all those that are new, fairly new and are trying this out for the first time, this is a GREAT opportunity to "cut your teeth" on the Open Carry Movement, meet fellow California gun owners, and members and other citizens of like mind. Please do not be afraid to contact me with any questions regarding this outing or to attend, the more the merrier!
At the request of a fellow Calgunner and OC watchdog (Liberty1), I am going to include the following PSA:
1) If you are loaned a pistol by anyone you know, you need to have a valid HSC (Handgun Safety Card) on your person.
2) Read the memos, particularly the SDPD memo. Look at the links to the right in the "Essential Open Carry Links" to find it. Read all of the California Open Carry FAQ for a more succinct version.
3) If you are unsure of the law in any way, DO NOT BRING A GUN! Wear an empty holster, a cool t-shirt, come to support us, but when in doubt, don't bring it out.
B) Carry case to car and place in trunk.
C) Drive to parking area, put on empty holster.
D) Remove locked case from vehicle (important to complete exemption in 12026.1a if carrying concealed).
E) Open case, place unloaded handgun into holster.
We do not want people getting any 626.9 (school zone) or 12026.1a (concealed weapons) violations coming to this meet but if you follow these rules you will be 100% OK. Remember that there are several K-12 schools on the way to the meeting place so be damned sure you are not within 1000' from the EDGE of the school before strapping on after parking! IF you are unsure of the locale, are navigationally challenged and want as little fanfare as possible, DO NOT TAKE THE GUN OUT OF THE LOCKED CONTAINER UNTIL YOU GET TO THE MEETING AREA!
5) Do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions! For select cases I will converse over the phone. I am committed to making this a successful venture for all the attending open carriers, both greenhorns and veterans.
6) PLEASE RSVP! Email me, post a comment on this blog, PM me, post on the thread (listed below), just let me know.
For those interested, my email address is and my handle is pullnshoot25.
Here is the thread about the outing.
Post of photos from the first Open Carry Meet
My writeup and photos from the second Open Carry Meet
A thread on "web diplomacy" for those spreading the word about Open Carry!
THERE WILL BE AN UNLOADED CHECK! However, you are not obligated nor required to voluntarily submit to it. Rather, the police are required to demand the 12031 unloaded check via POLICE ORDER. DO NOT COOPERATE by handing over your gun (thus waiving your 4th amendment rights) but COMPLY with the order given and only when given!
Email sent to me from our good Detective explaining the procedure.
Nate, I spoke with Capt. Zimmerman. If people show up with their firearms in a condition officers can clearly tell they are unloaded that will be fine. She does not want people handling their firearms around the officers, the public, or each other. The officers will approach a member and explain they will be conducting an inspection on the member's gun. The officer will then give the person instructions on how the inspection will be conducted, what they want the member to do, where to stand, etc. Should go pretty quickly.
-List of forum populations invited
-Invited Meetup Groups
San Diego County Colleges for Ron Paul Meetup Group
San Diego Libertarians Meetup
San Diego Liberty Circle Meetup
-Gun rights groups invited
United States Gun Club
San Diego Gun Rights Committee
San Diego NRA
-Gun shops invited to this event (Owners, employees, patrons)
Turner's San Marcos (Thanks for getting it out there, Mike!)
Turner's Kearney Mesa
Discount Gun Mart
Duncan's Gunworks
Iron Sights (Thanks for posting in the lobby!)
Royal Loan and Pawn
Southern California Gun
American Shooting Center
El Cajon Gun Exchange
Ranger Doug's Shootists' Emporium (Can't come due to SASS event but I think he posted it up)
The Shootist
Faith Armory (Owners cant come but they might attend another outing!)
Hi Pass Sports
Precision Arms (Trying to change his mind to support this event)
-Ranges invited
Escondido Fish and Game (emailed the President)
I am looking forward to this outing!
Map of meeting place and NO-GO ZONES!

Chris (gir007), Sam (elsensei) and Nathan (pullnshoot25)
List of people attending or planning to attend thus far
- gir007 (CG)
- pullnshoot25 (CG)
- elsensei (CG) (+3)
- Enthusiast (CG)
- flintlock tom (OCDO)
- tube_ee (THR/CG)
- Mike (Turner's SM)
- Dave (Turner's SM)
- Mulay El Raisuli (CG)
- CmpsdNoMore (CG)
- Theseus (CG) (Depends on court)
- bplvr (CG) (maybe)
- VW*Mike (CG) (depends on work)
- hotfire (CG)
- AEC1 (CG)
- Alleyehave (CG
- siebler +friend (potential) (customtaco)
- miguelitro (TTORA)
- Regan (San Diego Liberty Circle)
- Joey H. (San Diego Liberty Circle)
- Mike Benoit (+1) (San Diego Liberty Circle)
- Craig (San Diego Liberty Circle)
- wolfenstein (+1) (OCDO)
- agentfr0st (CG)
- bornInSD (CG)
- bajaguy (CG)
- Mike (+GF)(+Friend) (Friends of Mine)
- SOneThreeCoupe's Fiancee (OCDO)
- Decoligny (+friend) (CG)
- Hawk84 (CG)
- oneisnone(XDTALK) (+2-3)
- botsdots (CG)
- Josh (San Diego Liberty Circle)
- Blackwaterops (CG) (CAMERA!)
- NoHammer (CG)
- tuna quesadilla (CG) (potential)
- JustinStrife (CG) (contingent on shooting trip)
- Liberty1 (CG) (potential)
- giaking70 (OCDO)
- dave1947 (CG)
- Twitchalot (+4) (potential) (Might even bring his Mom!)
- GenLee (CG) (+wife)
- PTMatteson (CG) (+wife)
- Acoghog (CG) (+wife)
- Grammaton76 (CG) (+wife) (CAMERA!)
- gvasquez (CG) (+wife) (CAMERA!)
- Mykal (OCDO) (+3)
- Nomadd (CG) (+1)
- Macadelic4 (CG) (+1)(potential)
- bondmid003 (CG) (potential)
- Oldtimer
- Dann the Libertarian (+2)
- MEPDtoUSPD (potential)