So Macadelic4 and I decided to end the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus protest week with a "bang" (hehe) by donning out bulletproof vests and holsters and garnering some extra attention to the cause, all with some good results. We discussed the merits of effective self-defense with a firearm on campus to about 15-20 people. Both Macadelic4 and I were surprised to find so many pro-gun people on our campus, considering the fact that UCSD is typically described as a liberal cesspool.
With that, here is a video and a few photos from that day! Please excuse the quality, as both video and photos were taken with my camera.
On a different yet similar note, our campus just had Sexual Assault Awareness Month for the month of April. In response to my asinine and illogical treatment by the Sexual Assault and Rape Center for UCSD (SARC) and the UCSD Police Department, posted here, I decided to make my opinion on women's rights known. This was during the SCCC protest week.

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