Afterwards, I went over to WAMU to break a $100 into $20s. No issues there either, in and out in 3 minutes with smiles.
Then, we went to the range! I open carried in the car on the way there, it was a nice reprieve from having to stow the Tracker in her cloth dungeon in the trunk.
Here are some photos of our day!
1) Matt with Macadelic4's AR-15
2) Macadelic4 "Mak Packin'" gangster style.
3) Macadelic4's AR-15 and my 10/22
4) Shooting Macadelic4's AR-15
5) Tracker in crossdraw, Single Six on strongside, Makarov in SOB and 10/22 in my arms.
6) Macadelic4 posting his AR-15 on my Mosin.
7) Myself and Matt looking over on the line and waiting for the range to go hot.
8) Stabbity stab!
9) The back of Macadelic4's car on our way out :)

So then, our day gets even better...
Feeling a bit hungry after such a long shooting trip, we all decided that pizza would be a great thing to have so we cruised on over to Domino's Pizza next to Orchard's Marketplace in Ramona (I carried in the car the entire way.) Feeling a bit frisky, I open carried while still in my bulletproof vest and Macadelic4 wore the shirt we shot up earlier over his bullet proof vest for an added effect. I believe some feigned limping was involved as well for laughs :).
After coming back into Domino's after ordering, washing the carcinogens off of our hands at Orchard's Marketplace (still carrying) and commandeering a bench so we could get a third seat at the corner table, we ate our pizza and drank Fanta from those small plastic rammekins (Domino's doesn't have cups) and had a lot of fun and good laughs. In fact, the girl behind the counter at Domino's had a lot of fun with us too, we could hear her laughing at intervals.
During this whole outing, not one person made a peep or issue about us carrying nor wearing bullet proof vests, it was most excellent!
Here is what Macadelic4 looked like. The shirt he is wearing was stretched over a cardboard silhouette and was shot with 12ga, .22, 7.62x54R, 9x18 Makarov and .223, then put on over his bulletproof vest. Notice the exposed chest region and the whole new "battle-ridden" look that we were trying for. We nearly applied ketchup to his hair and shirt but he wouldn't go for it :)

With that, I shall depart, for I am in desperate need of a shower and to do some more Ochem and Physiology.
The shirt doesn't look too obvious that it was shot up in that photo. Maybe moth-eaten.
That's why one uses buckshot when shooting BGs!
It looked better in person, just the camera wasn't zoomed in right or something.
Haha. That's glorious. :-D
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